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Our Vision

Communities are safe, healthy and empowered to manage substance use, including pharmaceuticals and alcohol.

Our Mission

To support cost-effective approaches that maximise community health and safety in relation to drugs.

How we do it

Frank and fiercely independent, we connect lived experience with research to improve the management of drugs through community engagement and knowledge sharing.

Our Role

Penington Institute champions an open, rational, and compassionate approach to building and sharing knowledge to reduce drug-related harm.


We push for an effective regulatory framework for cannabis defined by public health goals, with priority placed on targeted prevention, education, and treatment.


Penington Institute produces Australia’s Annual Overdose Report to demonstrate the nature of the overdose crisis and to support change to reduce drug-induced deaths.

Our Impact

Fake benzos – what’s the harm?

Download presentation slides Join us to learn more about some of the novel benzodiazepines emerging in Australia, and how frontline workers can be better prepared to respond. In recent years, novel benzodiazepines (or ‘fake’ or ‘street benzos’) have become increasingly prevalent in unregulated drug markets in Australia and overseas. Often

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Fake benzos – what’s the harm?

Download presentation slides Join us to learn more about some of the novel benzodiazepines emerging in Australia, and how frontline workers can be better prepared to respond. In recent years, novel benzodiazepines (or ‘fake’ or ‘street benzos’) have become increasingly prevalent in unregulated drug markets in Australia and overseas. Often

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International Overdose Awareness Day 2024

Penington Institute convenes the world’s largest annual campaign to end the overdose crisis. International Overdose Awareness Day falls on August 31 each year.