Cannabis in Australia 2022 Report
This is a long-form technical report intended for deeper reading and academic use.
A fixture of the Australian drug landscape for over half a century, cannabis is our most widely consumed illicit drug. Despite its prevalence, a lack of reliable data paired with conflicting messages from our government and media mean that community understandings of cannabis remain poor. What are the health risks of cannabis use? Is there a viable market for medicinal cannabis? Is personal use of cannabis still illegal?
Penington Institute is known for producing Australia’s Annual Overdose Report, the authoritative study on overdose in Australia. With Cannabis in Australia 2022, we aim to fill the gap for accurate, up-to-date data on Australian trends, attitudes and approaches relating to cannabis.
In the landscape of psychoactive drugs, cannabis occupies a unique place. Once considered enemy number-one by proponents of the ‘war on drugs’, cannabis is still illegal to possess or use without a medical prescription in Australia, with the limited exception of the ACT. Despite its legal status, cannabis is readily available with more than a third of Australians over the age of 14 admitting to having used it.accurate

“As part of its work to improve the management of drugs by engaging our communities and sharing knowledge, Penington Institute has developed this Cannabis in Australia 2022 report. Using published data and interviews with around 100 experts, we’ve created a ‘one-stop shop’ for everything you wanted to know about cannabis in Australia.”