Watch the full webinar above, recorded live on 09 October 2023.
Penington Institute is pleased to present a webinar exploring early results from the Western Australia Police Force’s innovative initiative distributing naloxone to frontline officers.
In this webinar we will be joined by a set of esteemed guests to explore two perspectives on the pilot phase of the naloxone rollout.
Professor Simon Lenton, the Director of the National Drug Research Institute (NDRI), and Seraina Agramunt, Research Associate at NDRI, will provide highlights from the formal evaluation of the WA Police Force Naloxone Pilot.
Lucas Ride, Strategic Advisor at the Western Australia Police Force, will share a police perspective that emphasises the perspective of frontline officers, including lessons of potential interest to other police forces considering naloxone rollout.
The session will be facilitated by Penington Institute’s Senior Research Officer, Jake Dizard.