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Workforce Development

Roland Jauernig
Manager of Workforce Development

Roland is an experienced health program advocate and manager with over fifteen years’ experience developing and implementing harm reduction strategies, programs, policies and practices for the Victorian Government’s Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).

Roland’s expertise in harm reduction, pharmacotherapy, blood-borne viruses, and drug treatment included delivering authoritative advice to government, senior management, and external stakeholders on policy and strategic direction. Further to increasing National Needle and Syringe Program (NSP) coverage at DHHS, Roland helped increase Victoria’s visibility in harm reduction programs by leading the development of a National NSP Strategic Framework. This work included negotiating increased representation of Victorian NSP agencies and clients in the annual Australian NSP Survey.

Roland previously worked in academia, evaluating Government programs and helping establish evidence-based approaches to behaviour management for people with intellectual disabilities, as well as lecturing in evaluation and research methods for this cohort. Roland holds a Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) from Melbourne University and a Master of Applied Science (Intellectual Disability) from Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology.

Roland joined Penington Institute as Manager Workforce Development in mid 2024.

Roland Jauernig

Roland Jauernig
Manager of Workforce Development