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For Frontline


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This fact sheet has been developed to support the community to know the signs of an overdose and to appropriately respond to an overdose in which stimulants are involved. 
This fact sheet has been developed to support the community to know the signs of an overdose and to appropriately respond to an overdose in which opioids are involved.
This fact sheet has been developed to support the community to know the signs of an overdose and to appropriately respond to an overdose in which New Psychoactive Substances are involved.
This fact sheet has been developed to support the community to know the signs of an overdose and to appropriately respond to an overdose in which depressants are involved.
This fact sheet has been developed to support the community to know the signs of an overdose and to appropriately respond to an overdose in which alcohol is involved.
This fact sheet provides information about gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB), gamma-butyrolactone (GBL) and 1,4-butanediol (1,4BD)
There are things you can do that will help if you want to make changes to your drug use.
You may be looking for help with a few different things, and a worker at your local NSP can help you.
Looking after your veins can help you stay healthy and reduce the chances of vein damage and infections like hepatitis C (hep C).
Injecting can increase risks. Risks include: Overdose, Blood-borne virus.