Life Savers Fact Sheet: PWUD and Opioid Dependence

This is an A4 fact sheet about people who use drugs (PWUD) and opioid dependence.
Life Savers Fact Sheet: Pain Patients

This is an A4 fact sheet about opioids and pain patients.
Life Savers Fact Sheet: Opioid Overdose Risk Factors

This is an A4 fact sheet on Opioid overdose risk factors.
Introduction to Needle and Syringe Programs (NSP’s)

This video provides insight into the background of Needle and Syringe Programs (NSP’s).
Between Us “Wash Your Hands” A3 Poster

This resource is an A3 Poster designed to be displayed in places where people who use drugs may be. Poster headline: “Between us, wash your hands.”
Between Us “Methadone and Suboxone are not the Only Options Available” A3 Poster

This resource is an A3 poster designed to be displayed in places where people who use drugs may be. Poster copy: “Between us, methadone and suboxone are not the only options available.”
Between Us “Mixing Any Drugs Increases Your Risk of Overdose” A3 Poster

This resource is an A3 Poster designed to be displayed in places where people who use drugs may be. Poster headline: “Between us, mixing any drugs increases your risk of overdose.”
Between Us “Some Benzos Stay Active in Your Body for Days” A3 Poster

This resource is an A3 Poster designed to be displayed in places where people who use drugs may be. Poster headline: “Between us, some benzos stay active in your body for days.”
Between Us “Sterile Equipment Helps Stop Infection” A3 Poster

This resource is an A3 Poster designed to be displayed in places where people who use drugs may be. Poster headline: “Between us, sterile equipment helps stop infection.”
Between Us “Sterile Equipment Helps Stop Infection” 97x68mm Sticker

The Between Us Campaign is designed to help people who use drugs to have the right information to be safe and healthy. It focuses on key topics for people who use drugs: pharmacotherapy, overdose and naloxone, benzodiazepines (benzos), infection control and telehealth. This resource is a sticker designed to be displayed in places where people […]